Raising puppies correctly - Essential for the future of your dog
A well cared for puppy can develop magnificently. Besides the In addition to the correct feeding of the puppy, the care of the coat, eyes, paws, ears, mouth and claws plays a decisive role. To ensure that your small dog is well cared for, we have compiled some important points and tips for optimal puppy care in this article.
Proper care for puppies - what is important?
Health care, as with any living creature, begins from the first day since birth. If you want to create a carefree life for your new family member and give him the best possible support on his journey through life, it is essential to concern yourself with the well-being and thus the best possible care of your puppy.
Already at the puppy show you can recognize the character and the qualities of your puppy. If the young dog behaves withdrawn among other dogs, if he is disinterested, if the coat is shiny, if the belly is not excessively thick, if mouth and nose openings have no traces of secretion and if the quadruped has a splendidly developed milk dentition without malocclusions, then your puppy is most likely in the very best condition to join his new family.
Accustom your puppy to human care from an early age to avoid later defensive attempts by your tail wagger. This way you can carefree when your dog is young and adult and do something good for the health of the animal.
Coat care for the puppy
Depending on the breed of puppy, the amount of time spent on grooming will vary. You should not groom your puppy's coat daily, but brushing your four-legged friend's coat two to three times should be mandatory. Long-haired puppies in particular are more prone to having their hair matted. It is easier to prevent matting in the first place than to remove already existing felt nests afterwards.
A puppy's coat is usually very fine and tangles easily, especially in areas behind the ears, so it needs to be combed and brushed thoroughly. The sooner you accustom the little puppy to the fur plowing, the easier it will be to brush the coat of the four-legged friend in the future without any problems. Through combing and brushing, the blood circulation of the skin is promoted and thus ensures healthy skin cell formation and optimal coat growth.
In addition, dirt and dead skin is removed from the fur and can thus protect against skin inflammation and itching. A massage glove for dogs combines both functions here and shows provides tender caresses with a combination of massage and coat care Therefore, we recommend Premium Massage Coat Care Gloves. If your puppy suffers from constipation or diarrhea, you should clean the dog in the anal area. Especially long-haired dogs require more elaborate care here and it even makes sense in this region to shorten the fur.
Eye care for the puppy
The eye of the puppy is the most sensitive and can be particularly easily inflamed if you pay little or no attention to the care of the body organ. Clean eyes and the right room environment can be instrumental in helping your puppy's eyes develop beautifully.
Always make sure the puppy's eyes are free of secretions. Wet cotton pads can be used to clean out stuck eyes. Be careful when doing this and use a new cotton pad for each eye. The eye is very sensitive and can easily become infected.
Especially due to the size of small animals, they are always at the height where dirt and dust collect. Also, make sure that there are no drafts in your home that can directly hit the puppy's eye.
Ear care for puppy
The ear of the puppy is highly sensitive and significantly determines the health of the dog. The dog depends on its sense of hearing in addition to its sense of smell. The ears should be kept dry inside and cleaned especially after walks. Just like the ears, secretions build up in the ear and should be removed with a dry cloth or absorbent cotton.
Be careful not to go too deep into the puppy's ears, as this can cause injury inside the dog's ear and result in inflammation. Also, watch out for small spots that can show up as ear mites. These parasites are one of the most common causes of middle ear infections, which can be very uncomfortable for your puppy. By cleaning the puppy's ears regularly, you will prevent ear mites from getting stuck in the young dog's ears and save inflammation in your four-legged friend's hearing organ in the long run.
Puppy claw care
You should always pay attention to the correct length of the puppy's claws. If the claws do not shorten on their own and in a natural way, then you should use claw scissors if the dog's claws are too long. If the claws are too long, there is a risk of twisting the claw bed, tearing out too long claws and getting injured. Look for special claw nippers in specialized stores, which can shorten the claws of the quadruped.
Paw care for the puppy
The paws of the puppy are constantly used and should therefore also be particularly thoroughly cared for. Especially after a walk, you can wash the paws with lukewarm water or put an absorbent cloth on the floor for the puppy to wipe the paws. In winter when it is slippery, the floors are sprinkled with salt. This salt causes itching on the paws of the quadruped and can result in inflammation. If your dog does not lick the paws, greasy cream on the paws after cleaning can also be helpful.
Dental care for puppyPuppies are used to ground food at an early age and so can develop tartar just like old dogs. This tartar can result in chronic gingivitis and can even spread to internal organs if left untreated. If your puppy is already responding to solid food, then you can introduce teeth brushing in addition to chewing snacks.
You can get your puppy used to brushing up to once a day by combining brushing with petting or giving the puppy treats as a reward afterwards. In addition, getting your puppy used to brushing his teeth at an early age is helpful for brushing his teeth later in his adult life.
Preventive puppy care is better than worrying about it too late
Always pay attention to your little puppy. An important sign of best health is romping around and exploring its surroundings. However, if your four-legged friend acts quiet and withdrawn and sleeps a lot, this may mean some health ailments. Your dog should always eat and drink enough and have an excellent shiny coat to exclude possible health consequences.
In addition, regular and, depending on the breed of puppy, thorough grooming, as well as cleaning eyes, ears and paws are routine measures that are good for the health of the puppy. Accustom your little fur friend to the grooming measures early, so that he does not resist against it when he gets older and it is not unfamiliar to him. The smaller the dogs are, the easier they get used to the situations and are better able to cope with them as they grow.